Understanding the OK Legislative Process: Navigating the political process can seem overwhelming and intimidating at times. But Oklahoma policies and laws are currently failing rural citizens by allowing the rapid proliferation of chicken houses in eastern Oklahoma. The only way to make meaningful change is to organize as a cohesive group and effectively communicate our concerns to the Oklahoma state legislature.
To help assist in navigating the process, Amanda Clinton, vice president of communications for Cherokee Nation Businesses, will provide a legislative primer to the group at the meeting. The goal is to help demystify the process of working with state agencies, legislators and the governor. Clinton will provide handouts and a roadmap for effectively communicating with legislators and untangling what can often be a confusing legislative process.
Goals are for members of the Green Country Guardians to leave knowing and better understanding:
How to communicate with your state senators and representatives
How the legislative process in Oklahoma works
Powers and limitations of state agencies, the legislature and the governor’s office
Tactics and techniques to influence lawmakers